In fact it seems to be more complicated than that !
I process DSLR images from Sony A7s (12Mpix) and Nikon D810A (36Mpix). So XISF calibrated images (32bits) have 142MB (A7s) and 426MB (D810A)
A7s have huge amount of 30s exp time images (200 to 500) and I am doing Drizzle
D810A have longer exposure time so 10x less images. So, let says from 20 to 50. No drizzle for them.
I processed D810A images and after the starAlignment of 30 or 50 images where the speed is fast (1-2 min per image), at the end, the GUI is freezed too.
On A7s, even if I do 50 per 50 or less, at 1 moment, I will have GUI freezed. Sometimes when finished
I use PENTAGONS (and no triangle similarity). I don't know if it has an impact (but for me the result is better because sometime it cannot find matching stars with triangle similarity .
Anyway, I will retest with triangle similarity...
Yes, my computer is "boosted" and I use also SSD. And it is Windows 8.1 where the 1.8.3 had no problem on it.