Hi all. I'm having a bit of trouble calibrating my flats. From the same flats run, half will scale the dark master successfully, the rest warn of no correlation with the dark master. I've been studying carefully all the posts and Vincent's tutorial on master generation, I think I've got them right, at least all the lights calibrate OK - integrate the biases to get a bias master, then calibrate the darks with that bias master, then integrate the darks, so you get a scalable, bias-subtracted dark master.
I'm wondering if the large difference in exposure times between the dark master subs (for 2x2 eg, 5 mins @ -25ºC) and the flats (for 2x2, 1 to 3 secs @ -25ºc) is making this troublesome. The camera is a QHY9M with a KAF-8300 chip, running with a pedestal of 500, offset of 112 and gain of 10% to give me about 80% of full-well on max exposure. The master bias averages about 740 ADU, the bias-subtracted dark master averages about 70 ADU. Am I running with an inappropriate pedestal, should that be included in the calibration setup (it's not in any FITS key in the files)?
The masters comprise 25 subs, might that be too few to get acceptable SNR? I see Vincent suggests a minimum of 10 and Mike around 100.
Any suggestions?
Here are some good flats:
Writing output file: /Users/john/Pictures/AstroMBP/caps/2015-07-25-IC1396/preprocess/IC1396_1sec_2x2_G_frame15_bs.fit
Dark scaling factors:
k0 = 0.006
Gaussian noise estimates:
s0 = 3.573e-03, n0 = 0.953 (MRS)
52 FITS keywords embedded
Writing FITS image: 32-bit floating point, 1 channel(s), 1674x1248 pixels: done
Writing output file: /Users/john/Pictures/AstroMBP/caps/2015-07-25-IC1396/preprocess/IC1396_1sec_2x2_G_frame16_bs.fit
Dark scaling factors:
k0 = 0.007
Gaussian noise estimates:
s0 = 3.568e-03, n0 = 0.953 (MRS)
52 FITS keywords embedded
Writing FITS image: 32-bit floating point, 1 channel(s), 1674x1248 pixels: done
Here are some uncorrelated flats from the same run:
Writing output file: /Users/john/Pictures/AstroMBP/caps/2015-07-25-IC1396/preprocess/IC1396_1sec_2x2_G_frame12_bs.fit
Dark scaling factors:
k0 = 0.000
** Warning: No correlation between the master dark and target frames (channel 0).
Gaussian noise estimates:
s0 = 3.567e-03, n0 = 0.954 (MRS)
52 FITS keywords embedded
Writing FITS image: 32-bit floating point, 1 channel(s), 1674x1248 pixels: done
Writing output file: /Users/john/Pictures/AstroMBP/caps/2015-07-25-IC1396/preprocess/IC1396_1sec_2x2_G_frame17_bs.fit
Dark scaling factors:
k0 = 0.003
** Warning: No correlation between the master dark and target frames (channel 0).
Gaussian noise estimates:
s0 = 3.571e-03, n0 = 0.953 (MRS)
52 FITS keywords embedded
Writing FITS image: 32-bit floating point, 1 channel(s), 1674x1248 pixels: done
Thanks very much,