I thought that once you uninstalled the old version of PI to reinstall the new version you had to put in your licence details?
If not then what do you need to put in? I don't want to uninstall until I am sure that I have the info to install the new version.
I have received an email from Isabel and it seems that I can not receive emails as I have a Microsoft account - This is potentially not good as in order to change emails in the main PI area you need to confirm from your OLD email and NEW email address. If I can not receieve emails from the PI server, how can I do this?
On Windows, you just place the pixinsight-license file from your c:\users\username\ folder. If you are installing a new version, the license it's probably already where it needs to be.
Either way, find that license file and re-E-mail it to yourself so you have a backup.
The only issue I can see is that I don't think the new version is supported in 32-bit environments. If you have 32-bit windows, you may not be able to upgrade. 64-bit and your fine.
Anyone can correct me on this if I'm wrong.