To all,
Miraculously, I got two very good nights of imaging at my very dark site this New Moon. I was able to acquire lots of excellent data from two targets. I took L, R, G, B, and Ha. Due to time limits, I concentrated on the L channel. What's the best technique for combining all this data into a pleasing image? At this time, I'm thinking about creating two synthetic channels using Vicent's tutorial on combining narrowband and Broadband images. I'll be using the Ha data in the Red and Blue channels. Basically, there's always a percentage of H-beta present in Ha regions. The H-beta generally ranges from 10-30 percent of Ha depending on attenuation due to intervening dust and gas. Vicent's excellent tutorial shows how to create a "synthetic" red channel. How do I go about creating an H-beta channel? Would it be best just to multiply the Ha by whatever percentage I feel is correct (e.g. 20 percent)? My color data is fairly weak since I concentrated on the L channel. Should I first create a "final" RGB image from the LRGB data, then extract the appropriate R and B channels to be used in the narrowband/broadband technique? Does anybody have a tutorial LRGB workflow? I've just been working with RGB and find adding L is a little tricky. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.