Hi Mike, thanks for the effort!
The single light frames are uncalibrated, calibrated images are moved to a separate folder and labeled accordingly. You can still see all the hot pixels ect in the single subs. I am lucky enough to have a fairly flat field that doesnt really need flats for correcting if it wasnt for removing dust bunnies! I must of accidentally left 6 test flats in the folder, thats what those bright and dark frames are.
The brightness difference of the light frames is just caused by the actual darkness of the night sky, i have always just thrown all the subs into a stack regardless of the brightness. As for star shapes, this is not going to be the final image, this is just to see what the data looked like, the plan is to sink around 50 hours into this image if i can sort the issues out.
I wonder if its the flats themselves? Being new to CCD imaging i have found taking flats to be extremely difficult compared to DSLR. I use a white screen and tshirt method, always have. But with the CCD i have to fold the white tshirt over twice, then put a black tshirt over and set my flat panel to its lowest brightness otherwise the frames are pure white, even with 1 second exposures! Its like the CCD is too sensitive. Can anybody comment on this? I have never heard of anyone using a black tshirt for flats, but i just cant do it any other way.