combining two masks is a good possibility, but does not have the same level of intuiutive and comfortable adjustment,
as when you can regulate transparency at whole and define hop-in and hop-out brighness level regions for a given masked layer,
while choosing if you want it affecting R, G, B or R and G or R and B or G and B or.....
Thats my main argument for layers: The many possibilities to mix them in, and preview the whole pic live in all zoom levels you need.
Of course you could do all that with Pixel Math, but what a task
Also, previews in PI sometimes just dont't do what they should, for example with Deconvolution the preview often is totally different
from what you get when applied to the whole pic.
Also. a preview on a small part of the pic may be limited by the very fact that only a small part is affected,
and algorithms that take bigger structure compnents into the calculation cannot find these bigger structures
in the limited preview. Like with MMT when you have 8 wavelet layers, you likely get artefacts on a small preview.
Therefore I regret we probably will not get same level of intuition and comfort in mixing like with PS and not have full live previews.
Like I cannot paint away in PI a irregular star halo caused by a filter or an optical imperfection. Gerald showed some approaches
by constructing a mask for the more regular halos, but some things one actaully is not able to to.
Another wish that I strongly support is a new tool that totally erases stars from the image and fills the gaps with surrounding structures extrapolated.
Like the small program Straton does, or the dust&scratches filter in PS.
Gerald implied a star regnoziation algorithm in his Star Mask utility in the Blend script, that could be a good starting point.
This is NOT meant to play PS against PI please, it is only expression of my personal wish list.
Such play would be bullshit. Don't hook on that trap please.
It is human nature if you see something useful and get used to it, you just want it.
If you don't need it, thats ok for me
but I want it, yes!
I always say, if there would be DBE alone, it would be worth the money.
PI is so much more, I could not process my pics to the level I am able now without it, true for everybody here I guess
Let it grow!