http://www.pbase.com/skybox/image/159811685see the post at the bottom for details]
First image in PixInsight. I put this move off about two years too long, I think. I'd appreciate any comments or suggestions. This is a tricolor narrowband image of M1, with about 32 hours total time. (I would have posted this in the gallery, but the rules there said nothing except 100% PI, and you'll see I used PS a tiny bit at the end here.)
http://www.pbase.com/skybox/image/159811685If anyone wants to take a crack at the data, the stacked images for each channel are here:
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/58468743/SII%20from%20PI%20Reregistered.zipYou'll see the frames didn't completely align, because for some reason I can't explain I shifted orientation by 45 degrees midway through. Duh.
Here's my procesing routine in PI. (Thanks to Harry for the videos - a huge help up the learning curve!):
1. Batch Preprocessing for calibration
2. Star alignment
3. Image Integration
4. Channel Combination, straight Hubble/SHO. I usually do some color shifting at the end to tone down the green, and I experimented with SCNR at the end, but I decided I kind of like the green in this image. Let me know what you think of the color.
5. DBE
6. Background neutralization (I saw almost no change)
7. Histogram Transformation and Curves Transformation
8. ACDNR. I compared ACDNR, ATWT (applied before stretching), and TGV and really saw no difference not accounted for by different aggressiveness settings. A bit more histo after this.
9. Prepared nebula mask using ATWT. (much thanks to Rob77 from CN for the help.)
10. Deconvolution, applying the inverted nebula mask so that only the nebula was sharpened. I really liked the deconv tool. It seems to have more precision than the AstraImage PS plug-in I've been using for years. I have to test this out on my planetary images.
11. Color calibration for star colors. Masked out the nebula, selected almost all the stars in the image with previews and Preview Aggregator. The stars were improved quite a bit, though perhaps still a bit too greenish. But this also made the stars too light overall. I'm not where I was going wrong. So, to deal with that:
12. Port into Photoshop, layering sharpened and unsharpened nebula images, then masked out embedded stars so they were not sharpened. I couldn’t see an easy way to protect the embedded stars from sharpening in PI. My PI star masks seemed too weak on embedded stars, so in PS I just dotted the mask over the stars to protect them. Then I layered the image with the color calibrated stars and used it for star color, not star luminosity, to deal with the star dimming I was getting in PI. I also fixed the registration errors in the corners with masked histo stretches and cloning.
13. Save as TIFF, re-port into PI, slight histo adjustment in PI for black point.
14. Downsize to 75% original.
I'm sure I did a zillion things wrong, but I'm happy with the result. PI really is a great tool.