Author Topic: Calibration is reversing Y axis  (Read 2653 times)

Offline tstephens

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Calibration is reversing Y axis
« on: 2015 April 19 10:00:04 »
 :(I am just getting back to work with imaging after having to recoat my primary mirror. That has led me to regenerate calibration masters and update a lot of software. I tried an object I have done multiple times before using PixInsight, M51. The problem I have run into is that running the Batch Preprocessing script to calibrate and cosmetically correct results in images where the Y-axis is been reversed. I have never encountered this before and I have no idea how this is happening. It is probably a bug in what I am doing but I have attempted to redo this process four-five times and it comes out the same way every time. What is going on here?

Offline NGC7789

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Re: Calibration is reversing Y axis
« Reply #1 on: 2015 April 19 10:36:08 »
Are you shooting with a DSLR? Make sure the "No Image Flip" setting is correct in DSLR_RAW settings.


If you're not shooting a DSLR then I have no idea.

Offline tstephens

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Re: Calibration is reversing Y axis
« Reply #2 on: 2015 April 19 10:45:16 »
I think I have found the problem although this points out that I previously had not understood one of the settings in the Batch Preprocessing script. This is the Up-Bottom FITS check box. I have found that if I select it the problem is corrected. Not sure why this does not come from the FITS header automatically which is why I was leaving it unchecked. Apparently in the past I checked this box because of the video (IP4AP) I watched while learning the system. That video just says leave this box checked since this is probably "appropriate". I clearly did not know what was meant by that. ;D

Offline pfile

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Re: Calibration is reversing Y axis
« Reply #3 on: 2015 April 19 22:33:17 »
unfortunately that is one problem with the FITS format. the writer/reader direction is not specified in the header, so you just have to know which is the right setting for your FITS files.
