I'm currently working on a two panel mosaic of M81/M82, and despite trying to carefully capture similar data between the 2 panels, there is significant difference in the background noise of the two panels. So I'm wondering if anyone has any guidance on a workflow to address this.
I have followed IP4AP's excellent turorials on mosaic composition and currently have the 4 LRGB mosaic masters. My intent was to put the separate LRGB mosaics together and then process as a normal LRGB image. But the differences in background noise are apparent if not overwhelmingly different. I saved the mosaic masks when creating the mosaics, so in theory it should be possible to address noise in half of the mosaic images at a time. But I'm wondering if I should start over and just build a separate, fully processed LRGB image for each panel and merge them toward the end.
Thoughts, advice, suggestions? Thanks in advance.