Author Topic: Plate solving Issue + Processing  (Read 5715 times)

Offline Christopher

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Plate solving Issue + Processing
« on: 2015 March 29 13:01:32 »

Can someone help me plate solve this image? Also, I've not processed a lot in PixInsight, how do you think the image looks? It's almost 5 hours of exposure. What can be improved?

Link to FITS:

The errors I get is:

Using Triangle similarity algorithm

StarAlignment: Processing view: integrated
Scanning star data: done
52 stars.
Structure map: done
Detecting stars: done
1875 stars found.
Matching stars: done
45 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #2
Matching stars: done
10 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #3
* Target image: Limiting to 250 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
34 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #4
* Target image: Limiting to 250 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
37 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #5
* Target image: Limiting to 125 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
24 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #6
* Target image: Limiting to 125 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
22 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #7
* Target image: Limiting to 60 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
21 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #8
* Target image: Limiting to 60 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
19 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #9
* Reference image: Limiting to 30 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 30 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
10 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #10
* Reference image: Limiting to 30 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 30 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
13 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #11
* Reference image: Limiting to 15 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 15 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
*** 3 star pair matches found - need at least six matched stars.
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #12
* Reference image: Limiting to 15 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 15 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
*** 3 star pair matches found - need at least six matched stars.
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #13
* Reference image: Limiting to 8 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 8 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
*** 0 star pair matches found - need at least six matched stars.
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #14
* Reference image: Limiting to 8 brightest stars.
* Target image: Limiting to 8 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
*** 0 star pair matches found - need at least six matched stars.
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #15
* Target image: Limiting to 500 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
41 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #16
* Target image: Limiting to 500 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
32 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #17
* Target image: Limiting to 1000 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
41 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
* Previous attempt failed - this is try #18
* Target image: Limiting to 1000 brightest stars.
Matching stars: done
17 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC: done
*** Error: Unable to find an initial set of putative star pair matches
<* failed *>
*** Error: The image could not be aligned with the reference star field
*** The image could not be solved.
This is usually because the initial parameters are too far from the real metadata of the image

Offline pfile

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Re: Plate solving Issue + Processing
« Reply #1 on: 2015 March 29 13:12:13 »
1. limit magnitude 15
2. star sensitivity -2.27

not sure if the original image has WCS coordinates already but if not, search for M65 in the RA/DEC pane and use that as the starting point.


Offline oldwexi

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Re: Plate solving Issue + Processing
« Reply #2 on: 2015 March 29 14:26:14 »
Hi Christopher,
in the script    ImageSolver    using the parameter
Search:   NGC3628     as object,
5.4 as Pixel Size
LimitMag 15 and
1000mm focal length
solves your Image immediately.
See result:


Offline Christopher

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Re: Plate solving Issue + Processing
« Reply #3 on: 2015 March 29 17:53:28 »
Thank you all! By the way, how does the processing look? Anything you think I can improve on or forgot to do?


Offline oldwexi

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Re: Plate solving Issue + Processing
« Reply #4 on: 2015 March 30 06:42:33 »
Hi Christopher,
there are so many questions about the image, which have to be answered
before any constructive hint can be given.
What optic, focal length, What Camera? Color or Mono image? Luminance, Green channel only etc..., did you do some
processing after integration (Looks like DBE with wrong settings) etc... and if yes which  processing steps did you do?
Did you use flats? If yes the center is too bright and the flats could be wrong.. .

So far, guiding looks very good, the image in my opinion is very deep with your 34 images,
the background looks not so good - with dark and bright areas.
For more helping comments and advice lets have more information.


Offline Christopher

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Re: Plate solving Issue + Processing
« Reply #5 on: 2015 March 30 22:04:24 »
Hi Christopher,
there are so many questions about the image, which have to be answered
before any constructive hint can be given.
What optic, focal length, What Camera? Color or Mono image? Luminance, Green channel only etc..., did you do some
processing after integration (Looks like DBE with wrong settings) etc... and if yes which  processing steps did you do?
Did you use flats? If yes the center is too bright and the flats could be wrong.. .

So far, guiding looks very good, the image in my opinion is very deep with your 34 images,
the background looks not so good - with dark and bright areas.
For more helping comments and advice lets have more information.



The instrumentation I am using is as follows: Stellarvue 105 APO f/7 (focal length 735 mm + field flattener) and SBIG ST-8300M using Luminosity filter. Processing workflow: Image Calibration with Bias Master (dark frames subtract internally during exposure and flat frames were not taken), Star Alignment, Image Integration, Dynamic Crop, Dynamic Background Extraction and then ATrousWaveletTransformation.

For the Dynamic Background Extraction, what settings do you think I should use? I mostly use default settings. While doing DBE or ATrousWaveletTransformation (can't remember which one) there seems to be a huge noise problem afterwords.


Offline pfile

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Re: Plate solving Issue + Processing
« Reply #6 on: 2015 March 30 23:20:58 »
the noise problem after background subtraction is normal; when you remove a smooth version of the background signal, what you're mostly left with is the shot noise from the background signal.

probably you need some flats but without seeing the individual subs it's hard to say for sure.

also this is just my opinion but i would not use in-camera dark subtraction. better to make a master dark from real darks.
