Author Topic: StarAlignment issues  (Read 2107 times)

Offline Udo.Zlender

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StarAlignment issues
« on: 2015 March 27 07:49:04 »
Since a couple of days my StarAlignment refuses to work. When I try to register  series of 30 - 40 subs with default settings no alignment can be achieved. First I thought that shifts between frames were to large and I varied  settings in StarAlignment. No improvement resulted and I had the idea to align the frames with CometAlignment in a first run. That worked so far, but results were not as good as I expected. I than used these nearly aligned frames as new input to StarAlignment with a mysterious outcome.

In the original series coordinates of a certain star in the first image were 1996, 1434 and in the last 1967, 1432.
After CometAlignment there remained a drift of one pixel in x.
After the following StarAlignment the star was shifted to 1996, 1433, which are nearly its original unaligned  coordinates ???

Ideas welcome,

Offline Udo.Zlender

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Re: StarAlignment issues
« Reply #1 on: 2015 March 27 08:56:24 »

In the mean time I found this topic

and yes, it is a hot-pixel problem.

Thank you for reading,