I don't understand why you'd be using different scripts? Why not create the masters with BPP and the reuse them with future BPP invocations. That's what I do.
That's the whole point of this thread Rick. I've got different people telling me different things and I'm trying to learn what the best practice is (in general or for my system specifically).
One set of people tell me that BPP is just a quick and dirty process to give an idea of what the data is like, but it shouldn't be used for actual creation of masters because it doesn't give full control and other scripts give more control. Another set of people tell me that they use BPP for everything including image integration, which I find curious because the BPP script even has a warning about not using it for image integration.
In the link provided above, the PI document written by Vincent shows how to create master bias, flat and dark images - separately using ImageIntegration and ImageCalibration. Is that document obsolete, written before the BPP script was available?
Here's my summary of what the "don't use BPP" camp says:
1. ImageIntegration - Create master Bias if necessary
2. ImageIntegration - Create master Dark if necessary
3. ImageCalibration & ImageIntegration - Create master Flats (using master bias and dark)
4. ImageCalibration - Calibrate light frames with calibration masters
5. StarAlignment - Choose the same reference image for all channels
6. ImageIntegration - Stack calibrated light frames
Choose best image within each channel for proper normalization b.
Adjust rejection parameters based on number of images