Author Topic: DSLR RAW Format settings / Batch Preprocessing DBE/ABE  (Read 2836 times)

Offline calberts

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Can some one help i have some question

I use monochrome Raw fits created by MaxImDl what is the best setting for the DSLR Format Preference for this type of files or do you suggest a other setting in maximdl and with which Preference in pixinsight?

When i execute the batch preprocess a lot of files are created i use only the debayerd ones and the master file how to protect the process to create the other ones (this to save disk space :-() automated cleanup

Last what is best first ABE and than DBE or the other way arround?


Offline TobiasLindemann

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Re: DSLR RAW Format settings / Batch Preprocessing DBE/ABE
« Reply #1 on: 2015 March 09 16:12:05 »
Hi Chris,

when you use the batch preprocessing script PI selects the best preferences by it´s own. So you don't have to think of this. If you want to calibrate by hand you can see the preferences below. If you click the pure raw button everything is set to the best.
I think all images that the batch preprocessing creates are sometimes helpful, but if you really don't like it, deactivate "Export calibration files" at the right side.
In most cases I think you do not need the ABE. IMO DBE works better and you have more control over it.


Offline calberts

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Re: DSLR RAW Format settings / Batch Preprocessing DBE/ABE
« Reply #2 on: 2015 March 09 23:42:41 »

thanks for you replay
