Hi Adrian. Welcome to PixInsight Forum.
You shouldn't crop the images before StarAlignment. Just align the three images, then use ChannelCombination to generate an RGB image if you wish. Or, since you are working with narrowband data, much better if you use PixelMath to generate an RGB combined image with an arbitrary palette. There are plenty of examples and tutorials out there for these tasks.
In a nutshell:
- Let's say that you have three images: Ha, O3 and S2 (on PixInsight Resources:
Set image identifier)
- Open PixelMath and type the following in the R/K, G, anf B edit fields, respectively:
O3- In the Destination section of PixelMath, check the
Create new image option and select
color space=RGB. Leave the rest by default.
- Apply PixelMath (blue triangle, drag, drop) to one of the images.
- A new RGB image will be generated with your combination.
- If you want to fine tune the palette (you'll want for sure), you can try with expressions as for example:
0.5*S2 + 0.5*Ha
0.15*Ha + 0.85*O3
O3This is just an example, you should try with different factors.