Author Topic: Batch Preprocessing Script overscan correction  (Read 2235 times)

Offline Chamelopardalis

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Batch Preprocessing Script overscan correction
« on: 2014 December 29 11:32:29 »
I have processed my first images with PI over the past few months with very good results !!!
More recently I tried BatchPreProcessing script on the same images to see if I could automatized the CALIBRATION part of the processing. Everything went very well except the Flat Field correction was wrong.
After some investigation, I realized (at least I think) that the "BPP Script" doesn't do the overscan correction the same way the "Image Calibration Process". The BPP seems to only crop the image and doesn't normalize the offset of the overscan area to zero (as the "Image Calibration Process" does).
This cause the flat field correction to be incorrect.

Can anybody tell me if I am  using BPP the right way ?

This is my first message on the forum, .... and I hope it make sense.
