I have played with all the noise reduction tools PI has to offer, based on various tutorials and workflows I have run across, and my own experience. I tried to get TGVDenoise to work for me, and have difficulty in mastering it, although many point to its superiority as a tool for NR.
I ran across Kayron Mercieca's workflow on his blog (link below) and find it to be the best solution i have encountered. Both ATWT and MMT are used in the linear state, the images (Lum/Ha and RGB) are then stretched using HT, and ACDNR is applied as a final touch in the non-linear state. It works so well for me that I rarely have to change the defaults he uses in the tutorial, sometimes having to tone down the application of ACDNR a bit.
I always struggled with getting the right mix of smoothing vs ending up with the curdled or plastic looking background. The judicious applicaton of masks (step by steps included in the workflow) with the three NR tools leaves me with a nicely smoothed image, a clean, non-lumpy background, and the high SNR target with a bit of noise left in. I really don't use any other workflow anymore, worth a try!