would appreciate some advice.
I'm moving from OSC to mono LRGB imaging, and trying to learn the new workflow. I've looked at some tutorial examples..they differ a bit in details regarding the timing of registration, or number of times you register stacks, as well as when to execute DBE
1. Let's say I've got binned 1x1 luminance, but binned 2x2 R, G and B frames, so RGB in need of upsampling.
It's been suggested in the IP4AP series that once you calibrate L-R-G-B frames to their respective flats with darks/bias etc..that you register all individual L-R-G-B together in one big batch, then separately integrate the different channels. Is this superior to separately registering and integrating the L, then R, G, and then B into their respective stacks?
If you register all the frames together in one big batch, and then separately integrate, I presume the R-G-B were already upsampled if you used the luminance as the reference. If the next step is to combine the R, G abd B channels, do you need to reuse Star align if you've already registered the images together? especially if you've applied the same dynamic crop instance to L-R-G-B stacks to maintain registration?
Do you need downstream to reuse staralignment again to combine the L with the RGB composite? or would the LRGBCombination tool maintain the registration?
2. should you do DBE on each individual R, G and B master first, and then combine the channels into the RGB composite, or should you combine the channels into a composite RGB first, and do DBE on the composite?