Sometimes it is not clear what the online calculators are calculating, so if you know a few numbers, a quick sanity check is possible:
(3 * ReadNoise)^2 / Gain + Offset
ReadNoise is sensor read noise in e- RMS. Gain is sensor gain in e-/DN. Offset is median of a bias frame in DN.
For my binned QSI, ReadNoise is 12.8 e- RMS, Gain is 1.06 e-/DN, Offset is 400 DN.
( 3 * 12.8 )^2 / 1.06 + 400 = 1800 DN.
To be sky limited, the dimmest areas in my binned uncalibrated light frames need to be measure at least 1800 DN. I can measure frames from each filter to double check and adjust exposure time up or down to meet this requirement.
Basically you want noise in the background signal to be at least 3 times read noise.
If you bin some channels and not others, you need to do calculations for both binned and unbinned cases.
You can tweak the constant 3 up or down a bit if you want, to be more or less conservative and more or less sky limited. But IMHO 3 works as a good rule of thumb. Using 3, read noise contributes about 5% of the total noise in the background.
I like having a fixed DN target to check my exposures against, independent of optics and sky conditions.