Thank you.
Raw Bayer CFA SNR estimate is 46. Debayer Process RGGB VNG SNR estimates are 39, 69, 45. Bilinear Debayer SNR estimates are larger.
These estimate are reasonable given the amount of noise in the flats. Low SNRs are due to high ISO (relatively few photons per DN).
For input to the script, my preference now for OSC is to use CFA images (i.e. don't debayer).
All DNs reported by the scripts are 16-bit, which is confusing on your 14-bit data.
For OSC, is it valid to use low ISO flats to calibrate high ISO lights? Maybe the OSC experts know? This might be a way to improve flat SNR.
There are a lot of noise sources. These scripts focus on noise that can be reduced by integration (e.g. read noise, dark current noise, and shot noise) and ignore both noise reduced by calibration (e.g. fixed pattern noise) and noise reduced by rejection (e.g. cosmic rays).
Vignetting in the flats results in lower SNR near the edges and corners. The script reports a median estimate across the frame. One way to measure SNR near the edges and corners: Run AberrationInspector on each frame, and then run the script on the resulting mosaics.