I must admit to being a neophyte to understanding masks, so please bear with me. In v0.7 of this excellent script, the mask references have changed to chrominance, lightness, and linear. In the older versions, they were known as binary, lightness, linear and curved. I'm trying to follow the original instructions. How do the older mask names correspond to the newer mask names?
Also, I understand what is being accomplished by the magenta mask to decrease magenta star halos and the green mask to decrease green. In both cases, I assumed the mask is inverted to protect everything but those colors. But I'm confused by the cyan mask. Is it applied to protect anything cyan (thus not inverted)? Or is employed to provide for pushing up red and blue in areas that are already cyan (thus inverted). I assumed the mask was not inverted. But my results have not been as I thought they might be in obtaining Hubble pallet colors I was going for (on IC 1396). Any advice is much appreciated. The attached files are before/after. The before is an HT stretch of a simple SHO combination