Hi Rob:
I tried your suggestion, but I got the same error message under diagnostics.."no flat frames have been selected to calibrate light frames"
I tried creating the Master Flat twice. I'm using the IP4AP tutorial method (PI-12-Stack-7) as I had done before successfully (before the updates). The only difference I see from when warren keller made that is a noise evaluation field set to multiresolution support in ImageCalibration. otherwise, I loaded flat frames, entered Master Bias for ImageCalibration. I then loaded the calibrated flat frames into ImageIntegration, combination=average, normalization=multiplicative, weight=I don't care, and percentile clipping and equalize fluxes in pixel rejection, used default settings under pixel rejection (2).
this creates a file that isn't recognized as a flat in BPP, whether I use "load flats" or use "custom".
I then tried creating the bias-reduced master flat in Nebulosity, and used that Master Flat version with BPP....it worked without issue.
..so there is something going on with the ImageCalibration and/or ImageIntegration steps that wasn't happening pre-update that is causing BPP not to recognize the file as a master flat