Author Topic: BPP Not recognizing Master Flat  (Read 9162 times)

Offline javajunkie2121

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Re: BPP Not recognizing Master Flat
« Reply #15 on: 2014 November 16 12:30:22 »
Jim, I need to go back and have another go; I tried all the ways suggested and haven't yet got anywhere. I have discovered one problem with nebulosity which I use for image acquisition; it saves my bias frames with 2 less rows and columns than the lights, flats and darks, rather baffling. It seems the 2 extra columns are added to the lights etc. I believe Craig Stark is looking into it.

I read that PI will be introducing an image acquisition module at some point; it can't come soon enough in my opinion as it would to appear to offer a totally integrated workflow then.

Jeff, how did you get Nebulosity to create a master flat? Did you do it as part of processing some light frames? I can't see how you can do it otherwise.

You can use  batch preprocess, assign flats to one of the lists fields, apply bias master etc, then use align and combine to make a master flat

Unfortunately while the nebulosity derived flat worked with the BPP script the first time, it didn't the second time.  I went back to my bias and dark library, re-created master dark and master bias using PI, and used those with a PI derived master flat for my current lights...BPP is breaking down ...have used individual calibration, registration and integration processes unfortunately..BPP really needs to be looked at


Offline gordonewen

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Re: BPP Not recognizing Master Flat
« Reply #16 on: 2014 November 17 13:06:47 »
I seem to have sorted the problem I was having. I have renewed my dark frame library and prepared masters in Pixinsight using the Image Integration tool. Same for master bias. Loaded my lights, darks master, bias master, flats and flat darks to BPP and all worked fine. I had found a problem with the fits header in my dark library; I made the library a year ago with Nebulosity v2, the headers are different to the images I am now taking in Neb v3, so that seems to be where part of the problem was. I also experienced a problem with the bias frames I recorded a few days ago; they were 2 rows and 2 columns short of the dimensions of my other frames; I reran them today and they were the correct dimension - haven't a clue why this occurred - same camera, same laptop, same software.
Fingers crossed, problem solved.

Offline jkmorse

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Re: BPP Not recognizing Master Flat
« Reply #17 on: 2014 November 17 13:14:02 »
Great to hear.  I got started with Nebulosity before moving on the MaximDL for a number of compatibility reasons but am still fond of Craig Stark's work and really glad there is no bust between it and PI.


Really, are clear skies, low wind and no moon that much to ask for? 

New Mexico Skies Observatory
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Offline Warhen

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Re: BPP Not recognizing Master Flat
« Reply #18 on: 2014 November 28 22:50:21 »
What I've seen guys, and posted to reports, is that the individual flat's FITS headers get 'stripped' when integrated to a master flat. That being said, once I tell the script via Add Custom, the image type (Flat), and the filter, the script accepts the master flat just fine.
Best always, Warren

Warren A. Keller