Author Topic: IC1318 Epsilon 160 + SFT8300  (Read 2218 times)

Offline jmtanous

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IC1318 Epsilon 160 + SFT8300
« on: 2014 November 03 21:55:54 »
Hi, I want to share my most recent image IC1318 nebula. Now I have 2 imaging rigs in my observatory and I am becoming very productive! Let's hope the weather cooperates!

I couldn't push the blue channel (OIII) no matter what :(

Capture details:
-- OTA Takahashi Epsilon 160
-- FL 540mm f/3.3
-- Camera SBIG STF8300
-- Filters 36mm astrodon @ 5nm
-- FW Starlight Xpress
-- Mount Orion Atlas
-- Autoguider QHY5L-II
-- FOV: 118.0? x 87.6?
-- Resolution 2.1 arcsec/pixel
-- Exposure: 35 x 20m per filter
-- Processing Pixinsight
-- Capture SW: Sequence Generator Pro

Full review in spanish:


Jose Mtanous?

Offline Zocky

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Re: IC1318 Epsilon 160 + SFT8300
« Reply #1 on: 2014 November 08 16:13:58 »
I have a mixed feelings about this color  ;)
Did you use all 3 NB filters or just 2?
Skywatcher ED 80/600 with FF/FR x0.85; HEQ5-pro mount
SBIG ST-8300M, FW5 with Baader LRGB Ha7nm filters

Offline jmtanous

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Re: IC1318 Epsilon 160 + SFT8300
« Reply #2 on: 2014 November 09 17:42:08 »
I have a mixed feelings about this color  ;)
Did you use all 3 NB filters or just 2?

Hi Zocky!

Thanks a lot for commenting! The 3 filters are 5nm. It is really hard to pull OIII from that region! I swear I did my best!

