I’m completely new to Pixinsight so I’m presently going up that steep learning curve! I’m finding the various online videos and the PI forum very helpful, but would appreciate any thoughts on the following observation…
I’m acquiring, focusing & calibrating images using TSX Pro plus camera add-on. I’ve created a library of calibration images for a range of exposure times and a set chip temperature (minus 20). The calibration process appears to work fine, and I’ve been careful to match exposure times between light and dark frames. To give me something to practice on I took a series of LRGB images last week (all on the same night, same observing conditions etc.) and after calibrating them brought them into PI. Before starting with PI I visually checked each image and rejected any which looked suspect. Here’s what I found when trying to register and integrate the images:
The luminance images (7x120sec subs): all registered / star aligned and integrated without any issues.
Red images (10x90sec subs): registered / star aligned – no issues but would not integrate. The following message was shown:
Zero or insignificant signal detected (empty image?)
<* failed *>
Using the STF on any / all images there is clearly data there. I get the same fail for Blue and Green Images at the integration stage.
To the edge of the images stars show some elongation (not drastic!) – so I know that my guiding and / or polar alignment and / or imaging train need improving. However if this is a possible source of the problem it’s not affecting the luminance images. I’m also able to stack all of the same calibrated images without any problems in MaximDL, though my intention is to use Pixinsight for all processing work after calibration.
In following the above process I registered the images in batches (L, R, G, & B respectively) and then attempted the integration in the same sequence. My intention was to finish with four images – L, R, G, & B – each calibrated, registered and integrated ready for the next stage…
I’ve played around with the integration settings but had no luck so far.
Any suggestions would be much appreciated.