Author Topic: PI 1.2 and Windows XP professional  (Read 3404 times)

Offline enzosantin

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PI 1.2 and Windows XP professional
« on: 2008 July 21 08:39:43 »
Hi all,
I have installed new wersion of PI 1.2 and it not works on my Windows XP platform. It is normal? If yes, every new version of PI released will works on Microsoft Vista and this is not good for me  :cry: , because I have not the intention of migrate from XP to Vista, due to the bugs of Vista operating system.


Enzo Santin

Offline Juan Conejero

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PI 1.2 and Windows XP professional
« Reply #1 on: 2008 July 21 10:07:34 »
Hi Enzo

Of course not, PixInsight runs without flaws on all versions of Windows XP with at least SP2 installed.

Which archive did you install? Did you install a 64-bit version of PixInsight on a 32-bit Windows? If you did so, it won't work.

If your Windows is 32-bit, you must install this file:


Regarding Windows Vista, I must say that since SP1 most problems have been fixed, and now it runs reasonably well (considering that it is Windows, after all :lol:)

Anyway I don't like Vista at all, so I can feel with you. It's shinny and the Aero desktop looks really fine, but its use of the available resources is far from optimal, especially for serious/professional work. I just use it to compile PixInsight for Windows :)
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team