Author Topic: Open cluster with dark nebula  (Read 2719 times)

Offline esordini

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Open cluster with dark nebula
« on: 2014 October 02 06:20:42 »
Dear all,
I am faced with the following challenge: a rather bright and compact open cluster (NGC 654) with an elusive dark nebula (VdB 6) that snakes on one side, e.g.

(not my pic, unfortunately :)... just an example to give you an idea of the framing).

Now I have got to the point where I have the calibrated linear image, and I should try to bring out the dark nebula from the background. I'm at a loss here, as I don't know where to start from. I have been playing around with the MaskedStretch algorithm, which will make the nebula stand out somewhat, but at the cost of messing stars up, especially the brightest ones. Also, using the MS algorithm with a star mask does not solve the problem.

Anybody got any hints/suggestions on the kind of workflow I should be following?

Thanks in advance!