Author Topic: Sh2-114 with Multiscale Processing  (Read 2091 times)

Offline Astrodoc

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    • AstroDoc - Astrophotography by Ron Brecher
Sh2-114 with Multiscale Processing
« on: 2014 September 16 11:58:16 »
Holy doodle! New image of the Little Dragon using a multiscale approach:

This makes a huge difference to how much nebula I could tease out on this faint object. The image was completely redone from scratch. I used two KEY new techniques that I learned from the IP4AP video tutorial series:

•splitting file into large and small scale structures; process separately and recombine
•using the HaRVB-AIP script to further boost the nebula

In addition, I think I have cracked TGVNoise. Woohoo!

Complete details at

Thanks for looking!
Clear skies,