Author Topic: IC5146 on a dusty field  (Read 1725 times)

Offline Dimitris Platis

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IC5146 on a dusty field
« on: 2014 September 06 08:47:44 »
Inspired by Howard ( I tried to follow in his footsteps...
From a summer astroparty in August...

just tried to bring out the dusty silt next to the nebula...

Hope u like it.

Location: Parnonas (1200m)
Constellation : Cygnus
Imaging scope : GSO RC8
Imaging camera : QHY9M (-10°C)
Guiding camera: Lodestar
Mount : Skywatcher EQ6
Guiding : TSOAG9
Focal Reducer : CCDT67-1150mm-f/5.6
Image scale : 0.96 arcsec/pixel
Filters : 2’ Baader
Filter Wheel : Starlight Express 5x2’

Exposures :
RGB bin 2x2 12x300sec
L bin 1x1 25x600 sec

Calibration frames :
Darks 20x, Flats 20x, Bias 100x
Calibration/Processing : Pixinsight 1.8
Capture : Sequence Generator Pro
Tracking : PhD