Author Topic: BatchPreprocessing and ImageIntegration Tweeks  (Read 2196 times)

Offline jerryyyyy

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BatchPreprocessing and ImageIntegration Tweeks
« on: 2014 August 30 08:17:36 »
Like to go over the logic of BatchPreprocessing and tweeking setings.

Seems to me you can take your good files (processed through Subframe Selector) and run them in BPP to get calibrated and registered files. 

Then you can run the registered files (and drizzle files) through ImageIntegration with different noise reduction settings and evaluate the results.

For example, I have some I am testing and you can systematically vary the rejection algorithm as well as the high and low cut-offs.

I am not seeing huge differences to the eye so I am also using the FWHMExcentricity script to get some objective FWHM values out... they vary by say 0.005 px.

Am I on the right track here to maximize image quality? 
Takahashi 180ED
Astrophysics Mach1
SBIG STT-8300M and Nikon D800
PixInsight Maxim DL 6 CCDComander TheSkyX FocusMax