Author Topic: How could I increase the contrast between the Milky Way and background?  (Read 3951 times)

Offline tcln1456

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I recently shot this in a white zone (after processing):

Camera: Nikon 7000 (unguided)

focal length: 18mm

ISO: 3200

* 37 lights @ 10s
* 39 darks
* 50 bias

I'm trying to increase the contrast between the sky and Milky Way by combining the workflow of Harry's tutorials and

Is it possible to increase the contrast any further or is this as good as it gets with my data?

Here's a master in case anyone wants to play around with it:

Offline msmythers

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The short answer is yes your image can have more contrast and no this is not as good as your data gets. I did not work with your fit file, only your jpg just to show that there is more even in your final image. The proper way would be to start from the beginning though.

All I did was make a clone of your image. Then applied a star mask and reduced the smaller stars with MorphologicalTransformation. I then applied color to the stars and the background with the ColorSaturation tool. Next was the ExponentialTransformation and then the LocalHistogramEqualization tools for contrast. I them used The HistogramTransformation tool to bring the image background brightness closer to original image. I then blur this image with the Convolution tool. Now I'm ready to blend the 2 images together with PixelMath. The final step was make a star mask again and add some color back into the stars.

Like I said this would not be the way I like to go about this but it does show that this image can show a more contrast looking MilkyWay.


Offline JoLo

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For widefield MW shots (for most images, actually), i find the classic S contrast curve in CurvesTransformation does an admirable job.

Orion Atlas
Canon 450D
Atik 314L+

Orion 12" Dob

Offline Alejandro Tombolini

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Is it possible to increase the contrast any further or is this as good as it gets with my data?

This processing example include a similar image and you could extract some ideas in working with masks and Saturation as Joe and Mike mentioned.

Saludos, Alejandro.