Author Topic: Stupid Things to do while imaging & Cribsheet version 26  (Read 3098 times)

Offline jkmorse

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Hey folks,

I just wasted a weekend imaging session by not checking my filter settings with an updated piece of software so what I thought were R, G, and B stacks ended up being Lum, R, and G.  Such is life (at least, if the weather cooperates, I can fix by just shooting some Blues at the end of August when the moon is next down). 

In honor of my stupidity, I thought I would share a piece I wrote for my website you might enjoy (read it with a beer, it always helps me). 

Also, I have done a bunch of updating of my cribsheet recently so in a separate post (to meet the size limitations) I will be including the latest short version.  (You can ignore the yellow highlights, they are just the changes from the last version, rev25a).  I have started a distribution list for people interested in getting this on a more regular basis and in a Word format of my long version.  If you would like to be on the list, just drop me an email at


Really, are clear skies, low wind and no moon that much to ask for? 

New Mexico Skies Observatory
Apogee Aspen 16803
Planewave CDK17 - Paramount MEII
Planewave IFR90 - Astrodon LRGB & NB filters
SkyX - MaximDL - ACP

Offline jkmorse

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Re: Stupid Things to do while imaging & Cribsheet version 26
« Reply #1 on: 2014 August 05 14:19:06 »
Here's the Cribsheet update I mentioned in the post above.


Really, are clear skies, low wind and no moon that much to ask for? 

New Mexico Skies Observatory
Apogee Aspen 16803
Planewave CDK17 - Paramount MEII
Planewave IFR90 - Astrodon LRGB & NB filters
SkyX - MaximDL - ACP

Offline Ken_sturrock

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Re: Stupid Things to do while imaging & Cribsheet version 26
« Reply #2 on: 2014 August 08 20:45:08 »
I just wasted a weekend imaging session by not checking my filter settings with an updated piece of software so what I thought were R, G, and B stacks ended up being Lum, R, and G. 


I just did the same thing, except the other way around! I imaged several objects, including M27, M16 and M1 and used them to teach myself PixInsight. The processes in PixInsight worked beautifully but I just could never get the color in the nebulae correct.

Well, after looking at the configuration of my old software and comparing it - I realized my mistake.

Thank you for the cheat sheet. I'll stick it in my hat.

Offline Thomas

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Re: Stupid Things to do while imaging & Cribsheet version 26
« Reply #3 on: 2014 August 09 09:20:00 »

Jim I like this very much.. almost everything is true for me..  at least I am happy not the only stupid one  ;D

If you don't mind I would like to copy your Pdf - file to show some friends, I bet they will also laugh about themselves like I did..



Offline jkmorse

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Re: Stupid Things to do while imaging & Cribsheet version 26
« Reply #4 on: 2014 August 09 09:31:23 »

Please do.  Glad you enjoyed.


Really, are clear skies, low wind and no moon that much to ask for? 

New Mexico Skies Observatory
Apogee Aspen 16803
Planewave CDK17 - Paramount MEII
Planewave IFR90 - Astrodon LRGB & NB filters
SkyX - MaximDL - ACP

Offline cdesselles

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Re: Stupid Things to do while imaging & Cribsheet version 26
« Reply #5 on: 2014 August 09 18:20:34 »

I just wanted to let you and everyone else know how much I enjoyed and learned from our little email chat concerning your crib sheet, Superbias. drizzle integration, and masked stretch.

Thanks!  I'll continue our discussion after digesting so much new info a little bit.

Celestron CPC1100 - Canon 550D (T2i) and of course, Pixinsight!