So I have a few hours of OIII and Ha data on the Crescent nebula and I'm looking to do a bi-color image with them. I used Harry's tutorial and some others on youtube to figure out how to stack my ha and oii frames using the lights, flats, bias, darks and I've done some cosmetic correction. I've also done some deconvolution on them.
I was going to use the bi-color tutorial at lightvortexastronomy and that tutorial states "The tutorial starts with the monochrome Ha and O-III images that have been calibrated with dark, bias and flat images and have been registered with each other so they line up perfectly."
I'm trying to find a tutorial on how to register my two images with each other (I've found some info/documentation but haven't decided which one to try yet) and I'm also confused on the order of things. What all should be done before I register/align the two images with each other? Should I be doing the cosmetic correction and deconvolution before I align them?
I'm still researching how to do all of this and in what order but thought I'd cheat and ask for direction here too. thanks for any pointers!