PI World,
Several people have graciously sent replies indicating that they find my cribsheet useful (a copy of my latest version, Rev23, is attached below). I have also had a request to set up a distribution list so that, when I do a new version (need to update this one to add the superbias tool), I can automatically send it to interested PI users without them having to wait or take the risk that they miss a posting. I am more than happy to accommodate.
As a result, if you are interested in getting updates to my cribsheet as I develop them (with no guarantees as to quality or how often updates come out), please just drop me an email to jkmorse57@gmail.com and I will add you to my distribution list for updates. Being on the list has the added benefit of being able to get a Word version (with some additional material with tool details) so that you can modify the cribsheet to fit your own workflow.