Again, many thanks, Peter.
I have done so many things to this poor image now, I quite forget just what and probably did all kinds of detrimental stuff.
So I went back to the original stacked, calibrated and registered subs and started over doing very little processing. The resulting RGB has pleasing nebulosity . . . but no star colours and, again, all but very faint stars have readouts indicating saturation. The RGB is attached. Again, minimal processing has been done. No DBE, but I did do a background neutralization. I deliberately clipped the individual channels 1%. No cosmetic correction and no noise reduction or HDR. The issue that concerns me has only to do with the stars being nothing but white. Whatever mess I get into trying to blend Ha into the mix can come later. For now I'd settle for an RGB with some star colour.
I can do the dropbox thing, as you so kindly offered, if you think it worth your time.