Author Topic: Question About CosmeticCorrection  (Read 2499 times)

Offline JoLo

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Question About CosmeticCorrection
« on: 2014 May 09 09:27:46 »
I am about a month into CCD imaging and using PixInsight.  I think I have a handle on the basics of PI, but will be learning the nuances for years to come.

Up to now I have been using the standalone modules for calibration, registration and integration, after creating master darks, bias and flats.  I have been reading up on BatchPreProcessing and want to use it for automating calibration and registration, and utilizing CosmeticCorrection, then integrating with ImageIntegration.

When calibrating and registering the various light masters, do i need a separate process CC icon for red, blue, green and lum?  Or do i set it up once and use for all light calibrations / registrations?  When using CC as a standalone, it should be completed after calibration but before registration, yes?

Thank you.

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Offline bitli

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Re: Question About CosmeticCorrection
« Reply #1 on: 2014 May 09 22:14:08 »
When using CC as a standalone, it should be completed after calibration but before registration, yes?
Right,  CC must be done on the pixels at their original location, but after calibration (because calibration attempts to compensate the same problem in a more systematic way, so give it a chance first).

At time you can do some CC on the raw uncalibrated images. This is the case if you have a systematic defect (a dead or partially dead column for example), you could CC all the raw (including dark, bias and dark) with an explicit defect list. But not for hot pixels and other defects!

do i need a separate process CC icon for red, blue, green and lum?
The BPP supports an single CC icon, if you want to automatize the process you can use only one CC for all images. Which may or may not suits your needs (this may not be too good if some images have different binning or widely different exposure time).
Like integration, this is a process that likely requires fine tuning if you need it.

If you use dithering, have a good calibration and enough images, consider not using CC (or use it lightly) and check the result of the final (integrated) image. StarAlignement is not bothered by hot pixels and the rejection algorithm will reject them effectively. I prefer to not apply unnecessary process, although opinions varies widely on this topic.

The CC write the number of rejected pixels in the log, this is especially useful if you use it with BPP.

-- bitli

Offline JoLo

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Re: Question About CosmeticCorrection
« Reply #2 on: 2014 May 11 16:38:47 »
Thank you very much bitli.  Your detailed response has been most helpful and is much appreciated.

Orion Atlas
Canon 450D
Atik 314L+

Orion 12" Dob