You do not see the 'f32' because your images are still in 'i8' format (that is only 256 levels, largely not enough for your 14 bits converter !).
You should first find a way to get images in a 16 bits format from you acquisition software (even if only 14 bits are used, the 8 bits and 16 bits are the only formats really used and supported, so pick the larger one). What exact format is supported depends on your acquisition software. If it supports FITS, fine. Otherwise TIFF is fine, but there are also 8 bits and 16 bits versions of TIFF. Be sure to get a 16 bits version directly from your acquisition software! Loading 8 bits and then converting to 16 bits is no good.
As soon as you do calculation in PI, you should use F32. Many process will create results directly in F32 (or another selectable format). When you save a file you should ensure that you save 32 bits FITS format. You can also directly convert an image using the process SampleFormatConversion, or the command 'f32' in the console.
At the beginning you may find it easier to use the BatchFormatConversion to convert all you input images to FITS 32 bits, so you have no risk to work with 8 bits or integer images.
Only at the very end you will save a copy of the final image in JPeg (8bits) or TIFF (8 or 16 bits) format.
I hope this is clearer.
-- bitli
PS. By the way we use 32 bits floating point because the mathematical operations need it, we know that human eyes cannot really distinguish 2^24 levels...