Hi David,
Yes, you can install and use PixInsight on several computers with your trial license. Do the following:
1. On the computer you installed PixInsight first (let's call it "Computer A"), locate your personal folder (I assume you're a Windows user). On Windows XP, it is normally:
C:\Documents and Settings\<your_user_name>
where <your_user_name> is your actual user name on Windows. On Windows Vista, your personal folder is by default:
2. On your personal folder, look for a file with this name:
Note that the file name begins with a dot character. This is your PixInsight license file. It's a regular text file, and it's very small, typically just a few kilobytes.
3. Copy your license file to your personal folder on the other computer; let's call it "Computer B". Now you can run PixInsight on B without problems, provided that you have an active Internet connection when you start the PixInsight core application. However, now you can't run PixInsight on Computer A. But of course, you can migrate your license file to Computer A from Computer B, following the same steps.
As you see, a trial license allows you to use PixInsight on only one computer at a given time. Of course, the commercial license doesn't have this limitation.
Let's see the problem with the FFTRegistration algorithm. It should allow you to register thousands of files without problem, unless you have not enough RAM, which is very unlikely. What error message are you getting? Look on the Processing Console window, where you have a complete log of the script activity. It might be an issue with JavaScript's garbage collector, in which case it is very easy to fix.
Of course, the FFTRegistration script, although it works very well, will be replaced with a dedicated tool, which will be much faster.
Thank you for testing.