Author Topic: PixInsight Workshop at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, USA.  (Read 18236 times)

Offline SteveCooper

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I am a real newby to Pixinsight. Would the workshop be appropriate for me?

Offline vicent_peris

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Dear Steve,

The first morning will be an introduction to PixInsight, speaking about graphical user interface and elementary techniques. After that, we'll go ahead for more advanced techniques. My hope is that even newbie people will be able to follow the workshop, but this always strongly depends on each person.

Best regards,

Offline pproulx

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I will attending the workshop and have few questions. 

I'll be using a 13" macbook pro is it ok to bring a LCD display to use?  Also I didn't get my login for the files site until the 27th by the time read  the email it was the 29th of the month (the upload deadline was the May 28th).  Should I still load my data or just bring it with me?  Not sure if we will be using our own data or you'll provide the data.

For others I will be arriving Friday night is there a place where attends will be getting together?


Offline vicent_peris

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Dear Peter,

Yes, you can bring an LCD display. I'm contacting Juan to check what happened with your login. Anyway, I'll be still working on attendee data next week, so you can still upload your images. I'm going to write you an email also to see if there's a quicker way to get your data.

I'm discussing with Joe what are we going to do on Friday. We'll write you all an email asap with some organization hints.


Offline pproulx

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I'm staying at the Le Meridien Cambridge arriving midday on Friday.  Let's find a place to meet up for those coming in on Friday night.


Offline vicent_peris

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Hi Pete,

Yes, it's a good idea. I would want to know if there is other people in coming to dinner on Friday. I would propose a restaurant near to CfA.

Best regards,

Offline Mark Manner

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I will be arriving mid-afternoon on Friday, so if there is a group dinner I would attend.
Best regards,
Mark Manner

Offline cjs998

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I'll be arriving mid-afternoon. Please include me for any dinner arrangement on Friday evening.

Chris Saddler.

Offline pproulx

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Pick a place and a time for dinner and I'll be there.  If anyone wants to reach me my cell is 716-864-7400.

Looking forward to meeting everyone.


Offline Kattner

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I'm arriving mid-afternoon Friday as well. Be glad to join any group for dinner Friday.

Ken Kattner

Offline vicent_peris

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Joe already sent an email informing about the plans for tonite, but I'm also dropping here the message. We're meeing around 7pm at John Harvard's Brew House in Harvard Square.

See you then!

Offline Mark Manner

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I just got back from the CFA workshop.  As I suppose everyone knows, Vicent is absolutely spectacular! Not only is he an expert in PI and a great teacher, he is an extremely nice person. I had a great time, learned a lot, and am now very excited about using PI in my imaging.
Thanks for a great workshop,
Best regards,
Mark Manner

Offline vicent_peris

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Hi everybody,

I would want to thank everybody for coming fullresto this workshop, it was a wonderful experience which we are going to repeat next year. We published an attendee survey which was very helpful for us to enhance your experience in the future. From this survey we learned a lot of important things we should apply to upcoming workshops. A key question in the survey was if "Would you like to see this workshop become an annual tradition?". Almost all people replied "Yes" and some of them "Maybe". So next year we'll organize the first Harvard PixInsight Conference (HPIC).

I would also thank to Joe DePasquale for his valuable collaboration managing the logistics of the workshop.

Here you have a photo of the workshop room:

And a group photo:

Here at full resolution.

People specially liked an example I showed on color calibration. It was of a dark nebula near the galactic plane:

This photo is a challenge for color calibration because the local stellar population has a very warm color cast. When we try to calibrate the color with these stars we get a very bluish result:

I showed how to use an image of M51 to calibrate the color of this photo. Here you have the color reference image of M51 (1 minute exposures):

And the resulting LDN673 image applying M51 as white reference:

We are close to publish some other workshops for this year and next spring, so stay tuned!

Best regards,
« Last Edit: 2014 July 10 04:52:31 by vicent_peris »

Offline jwmckay

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Hi Vicent,

At the workshop, it was mentioned that the Cambridge workshop may be a yearly event.  Is that the case, and if so, have you started to plan next year's workshop.


« Last Edit: 2014 October 27 18:29:42 by jwmckay »

Offline vicent_peris

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Hi Jim,

Yes, the workshop at CfA will become yearly. Next year will be the first Harvard PixInsight Conference. :) We'll start planning it very soon.

See you,