Author Topic: PixInsight for Dummies?  (Read 5177 times)

Offline dale

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PixInsight for Dummies?
« on: 2014 March 29 13:24:08 »
Greetings to all,

I'm evaluating PI for purchase and have had a devil of a time finding beginners detailed information on things like, definitions of processes, typical work flow, or if-then examples.  I've received version 1.8 for a trial evaluation.  The new web-site, that was just announced to me,  is better at showing  some examples like the parts of Batch Processing, however, I'm hearing no audio or explanations of the movement of the cursor.  In my version (1.8),  I can't even find Batch Processing in "Scripts" or in any of the "Processes" like "Preprocessing".  Is there a place for a newbie like me to go off and read or study these things so I can at least come back online and ask a decently reasonable question that won't generate general forum laughter?  What is Image Integration?  Does Image Calibration need to look for Masters of "Darks, Flats & Bias frames? Is Star Alignment similar to or the same as Stacking Images?   All of the info on the web seems to be a bit of a shotgun approach and quite frustrating.   I've viewed several video tutorials, but it seems there is a presumed comfort level with PI and they are lacking in general explanations.  Who among you will step up and write "PixInsight for Dummies"? Any help is greatly appreciated.  Thank you.

Offline Alejandro Tombolini

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Re: PixInsight for Dummies?
« Reply #1 on: 2014 March 29 15:35:46 »
Hi Dale,
Learning PixInsight will take you some time but as soon as you start to understand its philosophy you will considerably enjoy it.

The videos in PixInsight Resoruces has no audio, they have a written explanation that describes its use.

If you just install PixInsight, BatchPreprocesing script should be there (Script>BatchProcessing). If not, I recommend you reset PixInsight as a posible solution. See this video 

ImageIntegration is the tool we use to obtain a ready to process image having all the sub images taken in the astrophotography session.

Yes, ImageCalibration needs already created master Darks, Bias and Flats.

StarAlignment is not the same that Stacking images. StartAlignment align the sub image and let them ready to stack, and the tool that we use to stack image is ImageIntegration.
We do not laugh with your questions!, we all had the same doubts at the beginning  ;)

Saludos, Alejandro

Offline dale

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Re: PixInsight for Dummies?
« Reply #2 on: 2014 March 29 18:59:06 »
Hola Alejandro,

You've been very helpful and I honestly feel better about getting my feet wet here.  I did reset the program on start-up but still no tool for Batch Processing under Scripts.  When I click on Scripts (top edge menu bar) I get 4 options:

Execute Script File

Check Script File Syntax

Feature Scripts

Edit Scripts

Is it possible that I'm using a corrupted download?  How would I go about redoing a trial download?  This is my second trial period.

Muchas Gracias y Saludos,


Offline D. Zielke

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Re: PixInsight for Dummies?
« Reply #3 on: 2014 March 30 09:29:49 »

First off, I hate the "Dummies" term. We all start our learning at the bottom rung.

I'm going to assume you are not familiar with the internet video tutorials from Mr. Harry Page (aka: Harry's Astroshed).
If so, start watching these easy to follow instructions. Harry has a friendly, no nonsense way of imparting knowledge that is deceptively brilliant.
He has put an awful lot of work into publishing these videos. They are an incredible resource that should not be wasted.

Offline Alejandro Tombolini

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Re: PixInsight for Dummies?
« Reply #4 on: 2014 March 30 15:52:10 »
Is it possible that I'm using a corrupted download?  How would I go about redoing a trial download?

Hi Dale, by sure something was wrong with your instalation. See this video about how script menu should looks like.

If you are using windows, uninstall your actual version and install the trial again. I don't know if you can use the same trial, if not you can write Juan through this form to explain the situation. 


Offline dale

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Re: PixInsight for Dummies?
« Reply #5 on: 2014 March 31 13:59:47 »
Hola Alejandro,

I followed the link you graciously sent me in your last message about my faulty installation and tried to send Juan a message about my dilemma.  A message came back saying:

*** Error: The specified email corresponds to an already activated license.




Offline jkmorse

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Re: PixInsight for Dummies?
« Reply #6 on: 2014 March 31 16:00:22 »

Here is a Cribsheet I have been working on and updating for some time that you might find helpful in getting started in PixInsight.  But Harry's videos are not to be missed.  They are what got me started on the right foot.

Hope it helps,

Really, are clear skies, low wind and no moon that much to ask for? 

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Offline dale

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Re: PixInsight for Dummies?
« Reply #7 on: 2014 March 31 16:29:35 »
Thank you Jim,

I saw a message from you about this crib sheet but was unable to access it since I think at the time I was not yet signed up onthe Forum.  I will devour it!  I have been to Harry's site several times and reviewed and reviewed the PI video tutorials, BUT, while appreciative of his efforts and trying to be ever-so-humble, I have found myself asking many questions during and after viewing them.  For instance,  where does he specifically mention one of the first, critical phases of post-processing; using the Batch Processing steps (Dark, Flat & Bias frame subtraction) we generally need to do ( I think) in order to produce images that CAN be worked on further?  It's nice to see how to go about the other things that we might need later (STF, DBE, HT etc.), after we learn the basics.  Not just how to close a window or clone an image or perform a Global Apply.  That's why the reference to "PixInsight for Dummies".  That series of books is always a good place to start to learn & practice the fundamentals of a subject and they are thorough, well-thought-out, complete and systematically organized for a "Dummie" like me.  It's not a literal term of course!  Perhaps your "Crib sheet" Jim, could be the nexus for the book!  I'll check it out & tell you now, that I appreciate the work you did on it and thank you for sharing it with me.


Offline Geoff

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Re: PixInsight for Dummies?
« Reply #8 on: 2014 March 31 17:02:35 »
For instance,  where does he specifically mention one of the first, critical phases of post-processing; using the Batch Processing steps (Dark, Flat & Bias frame subtraction) we generally need to do ( I think) in order to produce images that CAN be worked on further?

Not sure what you mean by "post-processing".  Did you mean "pre-processing"? Harry has a very good video on the Batch Preprocessing script, so I'm not sure what you are asking here.
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Offline dale

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Re: PixInsight for Dummies?
« Reply #9 on: 2014 March 31 18:05:24 »
Can you tell me Geoff, which video that Harry addresses the "Batch Preprocessing Script" in?  I have not seen it and would love to see it.  The PixInsight Resource section does have a video that uses the Script, but there is no explanation on it.  I found out that the videos do not have audio so I should find the time to go and read the explanations of the videos.

Thank you,

Offline dale

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Re: PixInsight for Dummies?
« Reply #10 on: 2014 March 31 19:14:32 »

I just found it under Preprocessing.  I swear it was not there the last several times I looked at his site.  He does say that some were being reworked for version 1.8.  Anyway... I'll review it again.

Thank you.
