Thanks Rob -- had some time today to play around a little more, this time using a daylight photo as it's easier to see what's going on. So this was my experiment: in DSLR settings, color settings all 1, "Create raw bayer CFA / mono" and "No black point correction" were checked. Loaded the image, it's monochrome as expected. Apply the VNG debayer process. Image is correct, however levels are very low compared to this:
In DSLR settings, dechecked "Create Raw bayer" (only thing now checked is the 'no black point correction') and selected VNG in the interpolation options. DCRAW loads the image, and I have the same color image as above, but levels are more as you'd expect as a daylight image -- like the top histogram image in my first post.
Why the difference? Is DCRAW applying some kind of non-linear correction? What I'm getting at: I often take test exposures to determine the best compromise between image, exposure time, saturation, etc. So, I'll take an image and open it in PI, and decide whether I need more or less exposure. An image that looks overexposed in say BackyardEOS or SGPro may look underexposed in PI by using my first method above. Any suggestions? What's the "right" way to preview data during acquisition?
Thanks much,