This is most likely a FAQ but I can not find the answer. So please, someone....
A short recap: I do not have a scope so I use the iTelescope.net rent-a-scope system. This image of NGC5033 was taken with this equipment.
http://www.itelescope.net/telescope-t21I attach a screenshot with four images. The master flat (made by BPP-script), an integrated image made with the masters from iTelescope but calibrated with PI, an integrated image made from frames calibrated by iTelescope and a frame integrated from frames calibrated with PI-made masters.
From upper left:
1. Flat frame
2. Calibrated with PI with iTelescope masters
3. Calibrated by iTelescope
4. Calibrated with PI, with masters made with PI
To my untrained eye it looks like the calibration is off. In upper right it looks like the vignetting from the master flat is still present. Lower right is flatter but there are streaks in picture. Same streaks can be found on the master flat. Lower left picture looks flattest except the left and upper bright stars where the sky is brighter.
I can of course try to correct this with DBE but I feel I have not made an optimal calibration yet. And it bugs me.
All files can be found at the link below.
https://www.dropbox.com/sh/u4y8lzb01lxo1qw/TxOWnfBSZ0I promise a beer to anyone who can shed some light on this. I have sent a request to PI support but so far no reply.
Best regards