DBE works on the R,G and B channels independently, using the same points that you defined interactivel). So you can work on an RGB image in one go, and maybe the L separately if it has a different gradient.
Some people are using DBE on the calibrated images, before integration. The benefit is that it is much easier to handle sky gradients changing with time. The images should be aligned (especially if you use drizzling) so that the background areas you select (using any image) are valid on all images. You can then use the ImageContainer to apply the DBE on the set of calibrated/aligned images in one operation. DBE will recalculate the background values on each image and apply them to the corresponding image (if I understand it correctly). This is relatively fast, thank to the ImageContainer, and give very good results.
I forgott: you should also crop the images to the same area so that they have no black border before applying the DBE. This can also be done with the ImageContainer.
DBE works very well if you have a single kind of gradient, typically the sky gradient (light from the moon, the sun, a nearby city or a combination of this). If you have two kind of gradients, one additive (as the sky gradient) and one multiplicative (due to bad flat fielding), then you are in a search and try mode and all bets are off. Try ABE, DBE, etc... multiple time if it helps.
-- bitli