Hi all.
I have been lurking here for about two weeks so I felt it was about time to step forward. And I need help....
A bit of background:
I am from Finland, 52 years, work as an IT-professional, write programs as a hobby and have been photographing my whole life. I even have my analog darkroom up and running.
Have been contemplating deep sky photography for a year but the cost of good equipment has been a hindrance. And I live in Finland. In the summer there is light around the clock and in the winter the sky is cloudy. There is a 2 month window in the autumn where you can really enjoy the stars.
A month ago I found iTelescope.net where you can rent a scope and just pay for the time. Just what I was looking for.
Have been taking some pictures just for practice.
A fellow astrophotographer recommended Pixinsight and I downloaded a trial license 2 weeks ago. Since then I have done nothing else it seems than learning this software. I consider myself fairly good at learning new programs but this one must have the steepest learning curve I have ever come across. And I have enjoyed every minute of it. I like the fact that it is NOT a set of procedures for doing this or that but a whole toolbox full of new, fantastic tools with names that no one can pronounce. Or remember. Thanks to Harry's Astroshed and Herr Wechselberger I have started to climb the slope. One cm at a time.
To my question.
Last weekend I took a series of lum-pictures of NGC 5033 with this telescope and camera.
http://www.itelescope.net/telescope-t21/ A total of 17 frames. Bin 1. 180 sec each. Dithered.
From the site I can download both calibrated and uncalibrated frames. I will return in a later post to the calibration procedure since I am running in to the dreaded '
Warning: No correlation...' issue when trying to calibrate with raw darks from the site.
I have now used the calibrated frames in the following procedure:
- Cosmetic correction with a master dark.
- Star alignment
- Image integration
The problem I am having is that there is a coulmn of darker pixels at x-pos ~2060. It appears on some frames but not all. See attached pic.
The frames are integrated using Linear fit.
Integration of 18 images:
Pixel combination ......... average
Output normalization ...... additive
Weighting mode ............ noise evaluation
Scale estimator ........... iterative k-sigma / BWMV
Range rejection ........... range_low=0.000000 range_high=0.980000
Pixel rejection ........... linear fit clipping
Rejection normalization ... scale + zero offset
Rejection clippings ....... low=yes high=yes
Rejection parameters ...... lfit_low=5.000 lfit_high=2.500
Total : 5279729 4.662% ( 4142036 + 1137693 = 3.658% + 1.005%)
MRS noise evaluation: done
Computing noise scaling factors: done
Gaussian noise estimates : 8.9316e-005
Scale estimates : 1.2412e-004
Location estimates : 6.5516e-003
SNR estimates : 9.2485e+003
Reference noise reduction : 1.1752
Median noise reduction : 1.3163
94.30 s
If I use Winsorized Sigma clipping and pull
Sigma low down to 1.000 the column disappears. But the number of rejected pixels go up to 50%.
I am sure there is some way to remove this other than throwing away about 1/3 of the frames where this pattern exists. HELP!!
I have tried a lot of different combinations with
Cosmetic Correction but to no avail. I am also not completely clear on how to use the preview on that one.
- use a master dark
- open a frame
- make a Preview
- click Real time preview
- adjust Sigma sliders
How do I know when to stop adjusting? The count of hot pixels keep rising until all turns white. Is 3179 hot pixels a lot on a 6Mpixel frame??? What exactly does
Show map do?
If some kind soul would like to take a look at the calibrated, registered, cosmetically corrected and integrated frame there is a link below.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/uwch9l71xd416zs/ngc5033.fitI hope I am making some kind of sense with this ramble and look forward to learning a lot more.
Best regards