I've been going through some old data trying to improve some images, and I found a set of lights and darks taken on M42 with my modified Canon 350D and FSQ106 from 3+ years ago. Never processed it as I couldn't figure out how to integrate sets of different exposures. Until I read a post about HDRComposition and decided to try it out. This image is a combination of 30 x 15 sec, 30 x 30 sec and 30 x 60 sec lights, all calibrated with 30 dark frames each at the same exposures. The high s/n areas I'm very pleased with, but the low s/n areas show horrible banding. I don't think there's much I can do with this, I'm pretty sure that this data was probably not dithered which may be the major part of the problem.
With this screen capture I purposely brought up the background to show the banding better.
Comments? Opinions? Reshoot?