I had stopped making my calibration frames in PI some time back and was calibrating my images first in MaxImDl. I used the tutorials for creating my master frames posted on the PI website but didn't seem to have good luck. Now I'm back trying again and I have a few questions. I created my master bias and master dark frames as per instructions here
http://www.pixinsight.com/tutorials/master-frames/index.html . Now I'm trying again to to make my master flats. I've calibrated the flats with the same temperature dark master and used the master bias, same temperature here as I understand with the STL-11002M camera this makes a difference, and have several messages in the Process Console I don't understand.
They are:
1) ImageCalibration: Global context
Loading master calibration frames:
Loading calibration frame image:
Reading FITS: 32-bit floating point, 1 channel(s), 4008x2672 pixels: done
Loading calibration frame image:
G:/Images/STL-Darks/-30-900/Dark Master bin1x1 -30C 900 seconds.FIT
Reading FITS: 32-bit floating point, 1 channel(s), 4008x2672 pixels: done
Rescaling sample values: [890.689636230469,65535] -> [0,1]: done
* Subtracting pedestal keyword 'PEDESTAL': 100.0000 DN
The question here is why is the pedestal keyword being subtracted. Actually I guess the real question is what is this. If I've loaded a master bias frame isn't it being used?
2) Writing output file: G:/Images/20140217/AutoFlat/pi/AutoFlat-PA075-Ha-Bin1-014-East_c.fit
Dark scaling factors:
k0 = 0.003
** Warning: No correlation between the master dark and target frames (channel 0).
Gaussian noise estimates:
s0 = 3.770e-003, n0 = 0.963 (MRS)
Writing FITS image: 32-bit floating point, 1 channel(s), 4008x2672 pixels: done
Out of 72 flat frames, 6 give the above message. All the flats were taking using a flat panel with ACP running an automatic flats script. The background ADUs are all about 34,000 and the same bias and dark masters are used on all 72 frames. 36 are east side and 36 are west side (rotator).
Any suggestions would be great.