Hi All
I am having issues where after I do an HDR Composite on 3 exposure times on M42, I end up with stars that have holes in the middle.
Or at least that what it looks like.
My process was, I had 3 different exposure lengths.
30 sec, 60 sec, and 240 sec. several subs for each.
I used BPP separately for each exposure time, using their calibration subs.
Once I had the calibrated images from BPP, I performed a DBE, BN, and CC on each.
I then used the HDR Composite tool to combine the 3 images. No HDR Transform done yet.
I checked the 3 individual exposure images, and they did not have this issue.
I have put some .fit files up on dropbox if anyone wants to look at this.
They have had the DBE, BN, and CC done. Also a couple needed the Linear Fit.
The 3 files are titled appropriately, and the HDR showing the issue, is the HDR_comp.fit file.
There is also a jpg of my attempt to complete the processing, hoping it might clean itself up. But no.
There is some noise on these images.
The files can be found at:
https://www.dropbox.com/sh/vhlut01p9p81qjn/TKRpil3XP8I processed this earlier, by not doing the HDR Composite until I had performed some Noise reduction and stretching.
Then, Separating a Lum image after the HDR Composite. When I did it this way I did not have this issue, but I found that after I combined the LRGB, that the core had a big artifact in the middle. By doing the HDR Composite just after the DBE, BN,CC, I found that I did not get that issue, but I see the holes in the stars now.
Scott T.