I took my first sets of mono RGB's of Jupiter last night. I processed the AVI's in Autostakkert and saved as tif. Those will open just fine in PI and I can do an LRGBCombination to get a color image. But, if I process the images in Registax after Autostakkert and save as tifs, they will open in PI, but I can't perform the LRGBCombination. When I try and assign the images to their color slots a message pops up-"no compatible images." The header of the Autostakkert images starts with "Gray" while the header of the Registax images begin with "RGB." I have looked at the metadata of both and Registax is adding "RGB" under Photometric Interpretation whereas Autostakkert isn't adding anything. Any ideas on how I can get my Registaxs to combine?