Yes, the single bias you posted is in floating point format, and when read in PixInsight results in way too high statistics. The single dark on the other hand is 16-bit. All raws should be 16-bit.
Also, the FITS headers reports X and Y pixel size of 5.4 microns. This is wrong, it should be 10.8 corresponding to the 2x2 binning.
Also, the FITS EXPTIME reports a 5 sec dark exposure not 5 minutes. The dark url says 20 min, but it downloads as a 5 min file name.
Also, note this issue with some QSI hardware: when taking a long sequence of short exposures (e.g. bias), the TEC can drift due to a firmware issue. During these captures, double check temperature. If you see a drift add a 5 or 10 second pause or delay between exposures. My QSI suffers from this problem.