Author Topic: Newbie: how to combine dslr filterless shots with UHC-filtered shots?  (Read 2126 times)

Offline gerlos

  • Newcomer
  • Posts: 14
Hello everyone,
Last night I had a wonderful chance to do some wide field astrophotography on Orion using a unmodified Canon 550D/T2i and a 50 mm lens under an awesome and dark sky.

Now I have sets of 6 shots taken at 30s, 60s, 120s, 240s and 480s, at 800 ISO with and without an Astronomik UHC filter.

Now I'm tinkering with them, and asking myself how should I combine the filtered stacks with the unfiltered stacks.
Have you any tip or suggestion?

In raw filtered images nebulae are rich of details and easy to spot, but can see fewer stars, and with distorted colors.
On the other side, in raw, unfiltered images nebulae are less prominent, but can see more stars, and their colors are right.

I'd really like to use data from both filtered and unfiltered images, but don't know enough Pixinsight to know how to do it, can you give me some pointers?
