I'll second the recommendation for the "deconv deringing wrecks images?" thread. (Happily, Juan shows that it doesn't, at least not if one can find the right settings.)
When you do dive into the wonderful world of deconvolution, I think you'll find that getting the right PSF (Point Spread Function) is a big deal. I have often struggled with this. I'm quite embarrassed to say that I haven't been able to post a new image to my blog in nearly a year, but the last thing I posted talked about this subject:
http://photonshotnoise.blogspot.com/2013/02/2012s-m33-at-last.htmlBasically, one of the PI videos from Warren Keller and Rogelio had some tips about the PSF, and those tips *really* helped me! Made it all quite worth the money, IMO.
I haven't done deconvolution in PI 1.8 yet, but if it hasn't changed too much from 1.7, then those tips will probably still be good. (Heck, Warren and Rogelio might have even made the video in 1.8, I can't recall.)
- Marek